Zima Energy offers a comprehensive solution for energy requirements in urban and rural areas. Our team has experience in partnering with the Saudi Electricity Company in generating electricity for rural villages in the Kingdom. Providing extensive support for long-term and short-term power generation for construction activities and factories we have made it easier to ensure uninterrupted power supply.
The Facilities
Less Expensive
Velit esse cillum dolore ipsum
eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
The Heavy Fleets
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidat
non proident sunt iny.
Power Generation for Makkah Sewage Treatment Plant at Oranah
Project located in the western region with total capacity of 32 MVA feeding a sewage pump station
Operation & Maintenace for 46 portable MV Generators
Operation & Maintenace for 46×2,500KVA units in 6 separate locations around the kingdom
Purchase Power for 9 Remote Villages
Power supply for 9 remote villages spreaded over the kingdom northern & eastern boards with total installed capacity of around 45 MVA