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  • 3.4k 1k
    Helping Projects Done
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 25+ 10+
    Years In Rent Business
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 18+ 10+
    Received Awards So far
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
  • 5.9% 0%
    Earned Revenue This Year
    Best thing about Antek is to earn some on their equipments.
Let's check
The benefits of choosing Zima Energy
A fast-emerging power-generating company in Saudi Arabia, Zima is growing as a leader in the power sector. In addition to being a skilled team in the production of diesel power, we also provide comprehensive solutions for your needs in terms of electricity, diesel generator rentals, maintenance, and support for repairs.

Our team is equipped to provide comprehensive assistance to businesses of different sizes and shapes.

Apart from offering power generation support and supply and installation of power generation equipment, we also engage in diesel generator rental to assist clients who need temporary support. Other services offered by our team are diesel generator supply and installation turnkey projects, operation and maintenance contracts, workshop maintenance jobs, onsite repairs, scheduled preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance and load bank testing.

By working with us, you can identify the ideal solution for all of your power needs.

The Facilities Less Expensive

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eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

The Heavy Fleets

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non proident sunt iny.
We Promise To Find You The Right Equipment
Get Your Rentals In Easy Steps
Best thing about Antek is to earn some extra revenue on their equipments.
Best thing about Antek is to earn some extra revenue on their equipments.
Best thing about Antek is to earn some extra revenue on their equipments.
Best thing about Antek is to earn some extra revenue on their equipments.
We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
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We Help Industry To Utilize The Heavy Equipment Work Better
Our Values

Zima Energy uses and distributes high-end products to ensure high efficiency and customer satisfaction.

We are a trusted energy partner in Saudi Arabia that helps our clients resolve all their power issues.

We stand apart in the industry by providing efficient service at the right time.

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